Happy Birthday

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

She's getting super close to crawling, but not quite there yet!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Danika had an eye doctor and pulmonologist appointment last week. When we went to the eye doctor, they dilated her eyes....she hated that! I couldn't get her to stop crying for about 15 minutes!

Dr. Plotnik said that her eyes look good. He said that 1 out of 5 premi NICU babies get a lazy eye. There is a chance that she can get a lazy eye up until she is 3 years old, but he said that her eyes look good, and he doesn't think she will get a lazy eye. She doesn't have to see him again until she is 6 years old. If I have any concerns about her eyes, I can always make an appointment prior to her turning 6 years old.

The pulmonologist said she is doing good with her weight. Of course she always wishes she weighed a little bit more, but she looks good. She weighs 14 lbs 6 0z. She is now 8 months old (5 months adjusted). Her doctor wasn't very happy that Danika was getting over a cold, so now we have to start doing monthly RSV shots so that when RSV season is here (November-April), she will hopefully be protected from it.

My sad baby girl at the eye doctor's office.

Daddy making her laugh :)

Danika all ready for church!
Cousin Lilly and Danika making brownies :)
Lilly likes to sing to Danika when she she starts crying, so she will be happy again :)
Cousin time!!!!!!!!!


More cousin time!!!
MMMMM Danika's first strawberry!
Daddy came home with flowers for mommy and Danika! Danika wasn't really sure what to do with hers.....so when all else fails, try eating them! lol :)

Grandma Regina and cousin Lilly came over with fresh baked bread yesterday! :) Lilly had Danika cracking up while she was in the bouncer. Lilly kept hiding from her and little D thought it was hilarious!
Grandma Regina and Little D :)

Little D has been talking a lot lately. She makes all kinds of noises all day long. I took her to church with me last Sunday. I was afraid of her getting bored and crying. Instead, she was totally fascinated by all the people there and she was talking like crazy......I eventually walked out, she was talking so loud! lol

Monday, August 13, 2012

The family got together to celebrate Uncle Craig's birthday

Excited for uncle Craig's birthday!!!

Daddy and Danika had a long day!

Gotta love tummy time!

 Uncle Craig helping little D stand

 Outside ready to go for a car ride

At Chili's celebrating because Daddy got a new job!

One of the rare times she's happy about tummy time!!! She's not always a big fan! lol

Just chillin' 

Cousin Cristian and Danika playing

Danika is finally understanding what the bouncer is suppose to do and she loves it!!! She will bounce in it for sooooo long laughing and smiling! :)

She is completely exhausted from all that bouncing around!

She loves to people watch when we go out. She is so entertained by other people talking and moving around her. 

This is one of her mad moments with tummy time. lol She tries to scoot or pull herself forward and she gets so mad when she's not able to do it. We put our arm behind her legs so she has something to push off on to help her scoot forward.......soon she's going to be able to do it all by herself!!!! Were still working on helping her sit unassisted.....but she still sways to one side or the other every time we attempt it. She even manages to slump to one side in the bumbo! Sorry you have to watch the video sideways......I couldn't figure out how to turn it around!

Next week Danika has an eye doctor appointment and a pulmonologist appointment. Hopefully all goes well! She will start seeing a developmental specialist soon. It would be nice to have the peace of mind of knowing that she is on the right track, and if she's not they can tell me what I should be doing to help her get on track.