Pumpkin patch time!!!!! We go to the same pumpkin patch every year. They always have little areas setup so you can take pictures, and they have a hay maze and bouncy castle and little train ride for the kids. They didn't have the bouncy castle this year. :( We let all the little ones pick out their own pumpkins (size appropriate for them). Then they came over later in the week to carve their pumpkins. :)

Danika is doing so good! She is a very opinionated. She picked up this scream that she randomly does that makes her sound like a pterodactyl! She had a visit from the NICP (Neonatal Intensive Care Program) nurse last week. Danika weighed 14 lbs 6 oz and the nurse was so surprised when she saw her. She just kept saying how awesome she looked. It was the first time she had seen Danika (a different nurse had been coming). She said she didn't know what to expect when she read her case before coming over. Danika is right where she should be right now! :) She is 9 months old, almost 10 months and she is doing everything that a 6 month old would be doing right now. :) I thank God everyday that I have such a strong, awesome loving little girl! :)
This blanket started out flat on the floor, and somehow she managed to roll herself up in it like a little burrito.
So confused about what she's seeing in the mirror!
Danika is starting to stand-up on everything! Once she's up though, she doesn't know how to get back down without falling, so she will literally stand there for a while, and then start crying for someone to help her down! lol
Loves eating her some socks!
Daddy got her a new outfit and shoes! :)
Eating time! She's not a big fan of carrots.....ironic because her mom hates carrots!
Sitting up and standing, pulling herself up on things all the time now! :) She's growing way to fast...... :(
I'm trying to get some cleaning done, but every few minutes she's into something or she's pulled herself up into a standing position on something and she's crying because someone needs to help her down! I don't know why I try to clean! lol
Tired herself out!
First time trying this net mesh with strawberries in it! She successfully made a huge mess with it, but loved it! I ended up hosing her down in the sink afterwards!
Crawling machine!
That's my happy girl! :)