Happy Father's Day 2013!!!!! Danika made a hand print stone for daddy! Lesson learned! I won't try to do this with her again by myself! Way to hard and messy! I tried over and over to try and get her to put her hand flat on the plaster. As soon as she would put her hand flat on the plaster, she would squeeze her hand into a fist! Grrrrr Then she started getting mad at me because I was getting frustrated. Then she wouldn't even give me her hand anymore! I ended up waiting until the plaster got pretty think so she couldn't squeeze her hand into a fist!
She got plaster everywhere!
Danny and Jason put the grill together! :)
Happy Father's Day Daddy!!!!! We love you lots and lots!!! Your the best dad in the whole world, and I can't imagine doing this with anyone else!!!!
Who's teaching this girl to sit like such a lady!!!??? lol
We celebrated Father's Day at grandma and grandpa Colon's! Barbecue and swimming with some 2 on 2 water volleyball!!! Sooooo much fun!!! Danika is working on learning to kick her feet and swim! We try to work on it every day. She loves the pool!
Throwing Danika in the air! She lands in the pool and I immediately pull her back up!

Lilly and Bella swimming!!!

Grandpa Colon, Anne Marie, and Lilly

Danika eating rice, bread and watermelon.....it doesn't look that appetizing, but she loves it!
Uncle Steve swimming with Mason, Lilly and Bella
Grandma Colon, Danika, Uncle Steve, Bella and Mason
Danny swimming with the kiddos!
Steve and Anne Marie
Danika found daddy's 10lb weighted ball.....and tried and tried to pick it up......I finally took it away when she started yelling and it and getting mad!

Double date with Jason and his girlfriend Julie at the Diamondbacks game! Diamondbacks vs. Cincinnati Reds. D-backs won! Danny was ready to catch a foul ball!
He's ready!!!!! Put me in coach, I'm ready to play!
Muah!!!!!! <3
Danika loves swimming! We finally got her to hold her breath before her head dunks in the water! We got her to kick her feet too......we just can't get her to kick her feet AND USE HER ARMS at the same time!!!! She will intentionally walk off the step into the deep part. She will kick her feet but not move her arms.....so she goes nowhere! lol
All ready for church! She immediately took that bow off her head as soon as I took the pic! It's soooo hard to get her to leave bows on and she doesn't have enough hair to put barrettes in her hair!
*Danika's 1st time at the zoo*
One of Danika's favorite things were watching all the colorful birds! She really likes that movie "Rio". Whenever we are outside and she sees bird's flying, she gets SOOOOO excited and starts pointing at them!
Fishes!!!! Another one of her favorite's! We have some fish at home that she loves......and it just so happens her bedroom is decorated with fish!
Sting Rays!!! You were allowed to pet them! Danika wasn't scared at all! She stuck her hand right in that water trying to touch them! lol
Dillon's restaurant! You got to eat with the shark's in the aquarium! Danika liked the shark's, but she was in no mood to sit and eat! She wanted to be up and walking around.
*Vacation Bible School 2013*
American Idol!!!???
She loves climbing up and down the stairs....over and over and over and over.....
Danika wearing her VBS crown with Adrian in the background
Marina and Danika
Love my niece Jazelle!!! :)
This bowling ball was used during VBS for one of the experiments!
Feast time!!!
Pastor James hanging out with Danika :)
Danika felt it was necessary to collect all of the water bottles she could find on the stage! (There were a lot of water bottles)
Pastor James turning on the lights for Danika
Grandma Colon dressed up as Nehemiah
King Adrian and Danika
Daddy and Karen making Danika laugh :)
Love my nephew Isaiah!!!! :)
Jazelle and Danika
Regina and the kids yelling "Hosanna"!!!
Jazelle & Danika
Jazelle & Arriana
Lilly, Marina & Jazelle
King Adrian and Danika both have their pouty cry baby faces on with Marina and Lilly!
Jazelle dressing up as Queen Esther getting her beauty treatment
Rebecca, one of the awesome crew leaders for VBS and I :)
*Random pics*
This is her sad face when you tell her "no" to something
Bath time with the colored bath tablets that Danika got from Jason for her birthday! Green water!
Not very happy for bath time! She was so tired! She just wanted to go to sleep :(
Every time Danika takes a bath, she insists on staying in the water until all the water is gone. When the last little bit of water is going down the drain, it makes this loud slurping noise and she gets scared and cries EVERY TIME! lol
Danika thinks it's necessary to open up all the bathroom cabinets and take everything out! We have locks on the cabinets, but their only useful when we put them on!
Hanging out with mom watching Dispicable Me
Danika drags this blanket everywhere! It's hard getting it away from her to wash it! The water works start and she cry's and cry's when I take the blanket away.
Danika dragging her blanket around....
Danika hanging out with the GeNext kids at church!
Daddy and Danika hiding under the fort they had made with the comforter
Danika hanging out with mom. Still not fully awake after her nap.
Danika all buckled up and ready to go to VBS!!!!
One sock on, one sock off.......
Danika finding good use for the bucket grandma Colon used for her easter basket!
Blast from the past pic....Danika was probably 6 or 7 months old. Sleeping on the couch with Anias.