Happy Birthday

Monday, May 21, 2012

This is one of my favorite videos that I've taken of her! It's the first time I actually made her smile! :)

We went to the pulmonologist last week and Danika doesn't weigh what they wanted her to weigh. Every time we go to the pulmonologist, they have weight goals set for her. Her goal was to weigh at least 10lbs 3 oz and she weighed 9 lbs 12 oz. So now I'm back to putting her oxygen back on during the day while she sleeps and of course leaving her oxygen on all night. The pulmonologist thinks that she's working to hard trying to breath on her own, and that makes her burn calories. We have a followup appointment in a month to see how she's doing.

Yesterday was a great day! It was Danika's dedication to the Lord! We had so many family and friends there to share in our celebration! After her dedication, friends and family came to Red Robin to continue the celebration! We are extremely grateful for all of your prayers and support whether it's watching her for a few hours for us or just being there to talk to!!! We feel the love from you all everyday. We love you guys! :)

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait for her to be able to talk and tell me how awesome I am.
