Happy Birthday

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Today is the first day they put clothes on Danika. A little pink vest that volunteer services made. They said that I can start bringing in premi clothes and she can wear them as long as she doesn't get to hot. The nurse said she didn't have a good night last night. She had a lot of desat episodes one after another so they upped her oxygen from 2% flow to 3% flow. The caffeine helps her to breath regularly. They took the caffeine away because of her heart rate being so high, so now she is desatting a lot. It's a catch 22! Give her the caffeine and her heart rate is too high, but she breaths more regularly. Take the caffeine away and her heart rate will go back down but she desat's alot. She's taken a step backwards, so I hope it doesn't take long for her to get over this hump soon.

Daddy got to hold her for an hour and a half. She must have loved it because she only had a couple of desat spells. After he held her, he "conveniently" went to the bathroom afterwards because he knew she had a big load in her diaper! Mommy changed her! :) Grandma Gurule and Aunt Jessie came to visit her today. They come almost every day. Jess has more pics and videos of Danika in her phone than her mom does! Everytime she eats she gets reflux and the nurse has to suction her mouth out. The nurses say that's normal.

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