Happy Birthday

Friday, April 6, 2012

Is it just me or does Danika kinda look like Benjamin Button in this picture???? My little love has pulled out one to many of her feeding tubes! The night shift nurse walked in to her being all over the place with her feeding tube pulled out. So they put her feeding tube through her nose and taped it to her face. Hopefully that's more comfortable for her instead of it hanging out of her mouth. Now her mouth isn't always hanging open.

They weaned her down to 1% on her oxygen. She weighs 2lbs 9 oz and is up to 20cc's of milk. Her length is 1ft 11 inches.

Her morning nurse has never been her nurse before. She said that she went in to give her a diaper change and she had one leg completely out of one side of her diaper and it was still clasped shut! LOL How did she do that!? We need a video camera on that girl!

She got another brain ultrasound today to make sure that she still doesn't have any hemorrhages. Her brain is completely normal! We talked to Dr. Manuel today. He thinks that Danika is on the right track to being discharged at 36 weeks without her going home on oxygen or a feeding tube. He hopes that the PDA that showed up on her echo cardiogram will be completely closed by then. They would like her to weigh at least 4 1/2 lbs before she is discharged.

They will try to wean her oxygen down to .5% next week. If she does good on that, they will see if they can take her off the oxygen all together.

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