Happy Birthday

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Danika's first bottle!!!!! The night nurse tried to feed her a bottle for the first time last night! Danika ate all 35 cc's from the bottle! Go Danika Go!!!!! I can't believe she did so good for the first time trying a bottle! Hopefully if she keeps this up, she can get her feeding tube pulled out! I got to try to feed her a bottle for the first time today. She wasn't able to finish it all because she got really tired, but grandma was there to put the rest of her bottle through her feeding tube. Today was the first time grandma Gurule got to hold Danika. :-) I had to go back to work. I would go up to the NICU durring lunch on days that I worked. That was the benefit of her being in the NICU at GoodSam. The only part I hated was that it felt like I lived at the hospital. If I wasn't working, I was visiting her. Since she did so good with her bottle, their going to give her a bottle once a day and feed her through the feeding tube for the rest of her feeds.

After work, I came back up to see Danika. It was bath day, so I started getting her bath stuff all ready. Jacki her respiratory therapist came in and we were talking while I started giving Danika a bath. I started washing her hands when all of a sudden I heard a fart noise! Me and Jacki looked at each other and I said "No she didn't!" I lifted her up out of the bath and sure enough........she pooped in her bath! I lifted her out of the bath water so fast while Jacki grabbed a towel. I still had her head to wash so Jacki put her head in the sink while I washed it! LOL I'm told that won't be the first time that will happen to me......LOL

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